Tipping Point recycling centre in Henderson
The Tipping Point is a project of MPHS Community Trust. They are passionate about a Zero Waste Lifestyle. Reducing waste in society and in our own lives is always a challenge. Too many products are wrapped in plastic, not recyclable and designed to break quickly. At the Tipping Point they do their best to keep valuable items circulating so you don’t have to buy new products. From housewares and clothing to electronics and furniture, they have a wide range of hidden gems in store for you. Buying from the Tipping Point reduces your impact, supports a community social enterprise and allows goods to keep circulating rather than thrown into landfill.
Tipping Point are a community resource, sharing the wealth of our resources and offering a memorable experience that leaves customers with a new view and understanding on what’s valuable and possible to reduce and reuse in society.
MPHS works closely with Auckland Council, facility staff, the public and a team of regular volunteers to ensure we offer affordable, quality products that benefit the Henderson and wider Auckland community.